Indigenous Sovereign Wealth Symposium

Indigenous Sovereign Wealth Symposium

Join us November 28-29 in Vancouver as we work together to shape the future of Indigenous Trusts!

We are excited to present a two-day symposium all about Indigenous sovereign wealth! This educational and interactive event will include experience sharing from Indigenous community leaders as well as subject matter experts presenting resources and best practices. We will also be seeking your input on further research into per capita distributions and next steps on Indigenous Sovereign Wealth in Canada.

Day 1 will see presentations on Per Capita Distribution (PCD) research and structuring your Trust for sovereignty. We will welcome a panel of Indigenous leaders and trustees discussing the impacts PCDs can have on a community and we will learn from the Reconciliation and Responsible Investment Initiative (RRII) on how to put your values into action through your Trust.

Day 2 is all about your thoughts, ideas and interests for the future of your communities and Trusts. We will host facilitated discussions and small-group work on the types of research and resources you would like to see on PCDs and what Indigenous sovereign wealth means to you and your community.

Note: In order to facilitate open and honest conversations on Day 2, delegates will be separated into 2 groups; Indigenous Trustee/Community Members (Group 1) and Industry Professionals (Group 2)

This event is being supported by Indigenous Services Canada (ISC).


Indigenous Sovereign Wealth Symposium